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This Fish Restaurant Can Improve Your Business (Make You a Better Remodeler/Builder)

This Fish Restaurant Can Improve Your Business (Make You a Better Remodeler/Builder)

One of the good things about the Boston area is Legal Sea Foods, a restaurant chain whose original restaurant opened in 1950. There are close to three dozen locations in seven states on the Eastern Seaboard, with the majority being in the Boston area.  I went to the Legal Sea Foods in Braintree as part of doing an on-site with New England Design and Construction, a remodeling company owned by Dave Supple. When we sat down, the place mats in front of us said the following:
“We Pledge
·      To inspect and prepare the freshest, highest quality fish and shellfish.
·      To insure you of a clean and comfortable environment.
·      To promote diversity and respect for all human differences.
·      To provide prompt, friendly, and courteous service by a knowledgeable and highly trained staff.
·      To be sensitive to special dietary needs and provide a list of ingredients upon request.
·      To deliver all foods and beverages, prepared to guest satisfaction, in a timely and efficient manner.
·      To feature a wine list that represents the best overall value in America.
·      To respond in a rapid, sensitive and non-confrontational manner to requests that will enhance your dining experience.
·      To provide you with an experience that will encourage you to return.
Thank you for your continued patronage,
Roger Berkowitz”
What interesting and compelling statements these are. Know that the pledges were kept during my entire experience at the restaurant.
What does your company pledge to do for its clients? What would you and your team agree that you all focus on providing throughout a client’s experience with your company?
Consider working together with your employees to get something like your own version of Legal Sea Foods Pledges on paper and start training as a group to consistently deliver on those promises.
Who knows, at the very least you could have more business than you ever imagined. 
By Paul Winans

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